(01752) 546525

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Plymouth, Devon


Our New Website

Welcome to our new website...

We’re pleased to say that what you’re currently reading here is our newly launched website and naturally, we’re very pleased with it. The truth is it’s been a long time coming and there are various reasons for that, mainly an issue of time.

You see, when we launched BuildX in late 2020 we didn’t have a crystal ball sitting in the office waiting to be used. As a result, we didn’t see a global pandemic coming down the track at us (who did?) but more importantly we also didn’t anticipate that BuildX would be as busy as we have been with what was a brand new business at that stage.

We’re incredibly pleased that we we’ve been so busy with clients such as xx, xx and xx and we’re proud of the fact that we were able to secure deals with those clients and others that has meant we we’ve much busier that we thought we would have been.

However, what that all means is that we didn’t really have time to stop and look at what we considered to be the luxury items of a business start-up. One of those was the website, but we’re pleased to say that we’ve fixed it that now.

Going forward we will keep this website updated with a combination of projects we’re involved in and news about the business itself. But let’s get something straight, at BuildX our focus is our clients and the good quality work we do for them, so forgive us if the news content is a little sparce on occasions … we’re probably busy handling client projects.

We will be linking some of our content through our social media channels so if you get a chance please click through from the likes of Linkedin etc, it will bring you back to this site where you can read at your leisure. Our guarantee is that whatever we put up will be relevant to the business, the projects we’re working on or the people involved with the business. We will not be posting ‘news’ about what we’ve had for our dinner.

What we will be posting about is how BuildX is built on three simple principles. The quality of work we do, reliability in the way we do it and the consistent customer focused approach that we take at every turn.

So, for the minute, all that’s left to say right now is thank you for reading this, thank you to those that have been supportive in recent times and all the very best for the coming year.

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